Prepare a PDF form

The most common tool to create a PDF form is Adobe Acrobat. A tutorial can be found here. There are other free alternatives like DocFly that support similar functionalities.

Given a PDF that's not a form yet, PyPDFForm also supports creating a subset of PDF form widgets on it through coding.

This section of the documentation will mostly use this PDF as an example.

This section of the documentation requires a basic understanding of the PDF coordinate system.

All optional parameters will have a comment # optional after each of them.

NOTE: For some PDF prep tools, creating widgets on their PDF forms may result in their original widgets getting flattened (e.g., this PDF which was prepared using Sejda). So it is advised that you fill them first before creating any widget using PyPDFForm.

Create a text field widget

A text field widget can be created by downloading the PDF and running the following snippet:

from PyPDFForm import PdfWrapper

new_form = PdfWrapper("dummy.pdf").create_widget(
    width=120,  # optional
    height=40,  # optional
    max_length=5,   # optional
    font="Courier", # optional
    font_size=15,   # optional
    font_color=(1, 0, 0),   # optional
    bg_color=(0, 0, 1, 1), # optional, (r, g, b, alpha)
    border_color=(1, 0, 0), # optional
    border_width=5,  # optional
    alignment=0, # optional, 0=left, 1=center, 2=right
    multiline=True # optional

with open("output.pdf", "wb+") as output:

Create a checkbox widget

A checkbox widget can be created using the same method with some changes to the parameters:

from PyPDFForm import PdfWrapper

new_form = PdfWrapper("dummy.pdf").create_widget(
    size=30,    # optional
    button_style="check",   # optional
    tick_color=(0, 1, 0),   # optional
    bg_color=(0, 0, 1, 1), # optional, (r, g, b, alpha)
    border_color=(1, 0, 0), # optional
    border_width=5  # optional

with open("output.pdf", "wb+") as output:

The button_style parameter currently supports three options: check, circle, and cross.

Create a dropdown widget

A dropdown widget shares a similar set of parameters as a text field, with the only significant difference being a list of options needs to be specified:

from PyPDFForm import PdfWrapper

new_form = PdfWrapper("dummy.pdf").create_widget(
    width=120,  # optional
    height=40,  # optional
    font="Courier", # optional
    font_size=15,   # optional
    font_color=(1, 0, 0),   # optional
    bg_color=(0, 0, 1, 1), # optional, (r, g, b, alpha)
    border_color=(1, 0, 0), # optional
    border_width=5  # optional

with open("output.pdf", "wb+") as output:

Modify the key of a widget (beta)

NOTE: This is a beta feature, meaning it still needs to be tested against more PDF forms and may not work for some of them.

For existing widgets, PyPDFForm supports modifying their keys. Consider this PDF, the below snippet will change the key of the first text field test to test_text:

from PyPDFForm import PdfWrapper

new_form = PdfWrapper("sample_template.pdf").update_widget_key(
    "test", "test_text"

with open("output.pdf", "wb+") as output:

If there is more than one widget with the same key, the optional parameter index can be used to pick which one to update. Consider this PDF, the below snippet will change the key of the second row's text field with the key Description[0] to Description[1]:

from PyPDFForm import PdfWrapper

new_form = PdfWrapper("733.pdf").update_widget_key(
    "Description[0]", "Description[1]", index=1

with open("output.pdf", "wb+") as output:

Finally, if there are multiple widgets that need to be bulk updated, the performance optimal way of doing it is to set the optional parameter defer to True when updating each key and at the very end call commit_widget_key_updates() to commit all the updates.

Consider this PDF, the below snippet will change the key of each row's text field with the key Description[0] to Description[i] where i is the index of each row:

from PyPDFForm import PdfWrapper

new_form = PdfWrapper("733.pdf")

for i in range(1, 10):
        "Description[0]", f"Description[{i}]", index=1, defer=True


with open("output.pdf", "wb+") as output: