CI/CD in PyPDFForm


Happy new year fellow developers! The speak I did at the Chicago Python User Group was a huge success and I hope everyone enjoyed it. I’d like to start a series of blogs which will cover a number of subjects related to PyPDFForm. These subjects will hopefully cover some of the more in depth technical details that I didn’t get to cover during my speak.

In this first blog, I want to talk about all the CI/CD pipelines I have set up for the project that ensured its stability and automation. These pipelines are also in my opinion quite general purpose and can be used by any Python project in the future.

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ChiPy Speak Script


It’s been a while since the last time I wrote a blog. I have been doing a lot of travels in the last couple months.

On December 14th I will have the pleasure of presenting my first public tech speak at the Chicago Python User Group. Here is a link to the event with some description of my speak. So I’d like to use this blog as a place to write down the script of my speak so that I could keep practicing.

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Vim as Primary IDE - Buffer Related

Thank You Bram

Before I start this blog today, please allow me to express my deepest grieving to Mr. Bram Moolenaar, the author of Vim who just left us forever. Without your work many of us developers will never have the opportunity of using such a great tool that boosts our efficiency. You, like many other contributors, are the true martyr to the spirit of open source.

Buffer Intro

A buffer is an area of Vim’s memory used to hold text read from a file. Buffers are what allow Vim to edit multiple files simultaneously and switch between each of them. In this blog, I will be talking about some plugins and configs that make editing buffers of Vim an experience similar to a modern IDE.

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Sonar Analysis Against PyPDFForm


While working on PyPDFForm, I implemented many different mechanisms to ensure the code quality of the project. Some of these include:

Recently I have learned about the community loved static analysis tool SonarQube. So I ask myself what kind of static analysis result I would get from it, especially with all these mechanisms I already have to ensure code quality. In this blog, I will find out answers to this exact question.

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Vim as Primary IDE - Basic Editing

Finding Plugins

In the previous blog, I discussed how to use vim-plug to manage plugins. So the question now is how do I find all those fancy plugins out there?

On top of just simply google and browse through GitHub, there is a website called VimAwesome which allows me to browse and search different plugins by categories.

In this blog, I will be talking about some basic plugins and configs that would boost my basic editing experience.

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